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  • We noticed the Rich Text Editors were not working and have now fixed it. Please be sure to clear cache is you had issues. Did not see anyone having issues, but just in case.

    #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #November2024
    We noticed the Rich Text Editors were not working and have now fixed it. Please be sure to clear cache is you had issues. Did not see anyone having issues, but just in case. #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #November2024
    ·1K Views ·0 Reviews
  • If you do not see media loading, please be sure to clear your browser cache. We moved all media to secure cloud storage. It should run faster/quicker making the site easier to navigate.

    #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #November2024
    If you do not see media loading, please be sure to clear your browser cache. We moved all media to secure cloud storage. It should run faster/quicker making the site easier to navigate. #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #November2024
    ·738 Views ·0 Reviews
  • MyVyBZ.com Media Storage Conversion 11.5.24. For some time today, media may look like its not there, but it is, please be sure to clear cache this evening. We are currently converting media to secure cloud storage and will be done here shortly

    #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #November2024
    MyVyBZ.com Media Storage Conversion 11.5.24. For some time today, media may look like its not there, but it is, please be sure to clear cache this evening. We are currently converting media to secure cloud storage and will be done here shortly #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #November2024
    ·656 Views ·0 Reviews
  • We apologize for the downtime today 10/31/2024. Site is back up and operational! Please let us know if you find any further bugs.

    #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #october2024
    We apologize for the downtime today 10/31/2024. Site is back up and operational! Please let us know if you find any further bugs. #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #october2024
    ·818 Views ·0 Reviews
  • SPAM accounts will be banned immediately if we see them. These are ones that are a fake or misleading profile on social media that engages in deceptive practices. Any accounts that have hidden spam links, profile full of advertising links will be banned. There is an advertising area on MyVybz and sharing of links and sites is fine, when legit. We are talking about the profiles making fake blogs with links going to illegal sites and profiles being created just to sell a product that may/may not exist. Please report these profiles when you see them, and we will continually ban any we see as well.

    #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #october2024
    SPAM accounts will be banned immediately if we see them. These are ones that are a fake or misleading profile on social media that engages in deceptive practices. Any accounts that have hidden spam links, profile full of advertising links will be banned. There is an advertising area on MyVybz and sharing of links and sites is fine, when legit. We are talking about the profiles making fake blogs with links going to illegal sites and profiles being created just to sell a product that may/may not exist. Please report these profiles when you see them, and we will continually ban any we see as well. #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #october2024
    ·1K Views ·0 Reviews
  • TinyMCE back working in Pages/Events/Groups descriptions and Profile About me field. Also, Youtube/RSS Feeds, are back working on Pages (Feeds are only allowed by main owner of page). Reels have had a few bug fixes. Let us know if there are any further issues.

    #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #october2024
    TinyMCE back working in Pages/Events/Groups descriptions and Profile About me field. Also, Youtube/RSS Feeds, are back working on Pages (Feeds are only allowed by main owner of page). Reels have had a few bug fixes. Let us know if there are any further issues. #myvybznews #myvybzupdates #october2024
    Good Vibes
    ·2K Views ·0 Reviews
  • There is a new radio player at https://radio.myvybz.com . It allows you to switch between stations as well as requesting from Jukebox like before (Next song in que unless one is ahead of you). Unlocked to all, but if people abuse it, will be set back to needing to sign-in on site. You can easily swap stations and click areas of the player without it stopping the music. Use popup player to listen while browsing whole site at myvybz.com. All radio news will be posted in the player as well as future shows/podcasts that come to the station.
    #radiomyvybz #radioplayer #stations #request #jukebox #myvybz
    There is a new radio player at https://radio.myvybz.com . It allows you to switch between stations as well as requesting from Jukebox like before (Next song in que unless one is ahead of you). Unlocked to all, but if people abuse it, will be set back to needing to sign-in on site. You can easily swap stations and click areas of the player without it stopping the music. Use popup player to listen while browsing whole site at myvybz.com. All radio news will be posted in the player as well as future shows/podcasts that come to the station. #radiomyvybz #radioplayer #stations #request #jukebox #myvybz
    ·3K Views ·1 Shares ·0 Reviews
  • $2500 - $5000 / Month




    Part Time



    ** Please note this is in Linden currency so 2500-5000 Lindens per month. ** We are looking for a dedicated P.R/Manager in the world of Second life. They will be managing/posting information about MyVyBZ.com to the public, and especially social media. You will be sharing important company news or events, maintain a brand image. This position may include interviews with journalists, social media posting, or other venues especially when it comes to those we cross promote. You would also be posting these events in Secondlife and social media. Blogging/managing experience a plus.
    ** Please note this is in Linden currency so 2500-5000 Lindens per month. ** We are looking for a dedicated P.R/Manager in the world of Second life. They will be managing/posting information about MyVyBZ.com to the public, and especially social media. You will be sharing important company news or events, maintain a brand image. This position may include interviews with journalists, social media posting, or other venues especially when it comes to those we cross promote. You would also be posting these events in Secondlife and social media. Blogging/managing experience a plus.
    ·66K Views ·0 Reviews