Learn More About this Station

We started our first online radio station in 2007 under the name of Club Geser Radio. We did a morning show and we hired people to help. Online radio is a hard business and he has tried to pick it back up again through Altered Peace Radio as well as SHRadio and Radio.VyBZ.Live. Things do not always go as planned and there is a lot involved in radio in terms of cost and royalty licensing that can become a lot of money for something non-profit. We spent a years trying out different ways to be licensed to keep things legal. We tried Steamlicensing.com that got shut down and then we had our stream with a company that was covered under SOCAN. Which was great, but we are a radio station that runs out of the U.S so our I.P could have easily been banned if they wanted to. However, we did this and introduced some new features. We were able to provide the ability to vote on tracks being played and requesting music. As time went on we learnt about Live365 and their wide array of umbrealla licenses. This has made it so we can truly be licensed for the music we love to play and lsiten to, here on the station. Best of all it means we support those amazing artists on air which is great as well. We are also avaialble more places due to this. This station was built by people with a passion for music and who love a wide variety of music. As always, this station is built and transforms based on you the listeners.
Tune in and see more today: https://myvybz.com/yourvariety.
Part of the MyVyBZ.com Community Discord: https://discord.gg/9PqEvSf - Station now radio.myvybz.com. Put in your virtual space: https://variety.myvybz.com/a63390
We are now Licensed by ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, GMR, SoundExchange, AllTrack, and Word Collections; Canada is covered via SOCAN and Re:Sound; and the UK is covered via PPL and PRS for Music
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